
LSI, OCI and GSI Workshops and Coaching

The LSI, OCI and GSI tools can be used as exceptionally detailed feedback input into coaching, one-on-one or group coaching programs. They can also be used as input into highly interactive team development workshops. Michelle and Jan are both certified practitioners of the LSI, OCI, GSI and Leadership Impact.

LSI or LIfe Styles Inventory is a wonderful tool when used appropriately. In our experience conducting hundreds of LSI’s over the years, the outcome is determined largely by how you set up the process.

That is:

  1. How you communicate the process;
  2. The way in which you debrief the results; and
  3. The quality of the follow through once the feedback sessions have been completed.

We have found the LSI in particular is a highly valid and rigorous feedback tool that is suitable for people in a supervisory level through to CEO. It provides clear and descriptive insights into what the thinking styles and characteristics of the person are, how that impacts their effectiveness and the impact of their behaviour on others.

When leaders want lasting change and are looking at ways to transform the culture of an organisation, look no further than the OCI, the Organisational Cultural Inventory. We have seen this tool in action and the quality of the results and the insights people in the organisation see are priceless. Once leaders can see a clear picture of the culture of their organisation, only then can they shift the appropriate levers for change. It could be their recruitment processes, remuneration structures, their leadership style, technology, philosophy and values.

The OCI digs deep into what people in an organisation “feel it takes to get along” and therefore act in a way the supports that belief. We have found a high correlation between the results of the CEO’s LSI and the OCI in the same organisation. The OCI gives the leadership team a clear picture of where the culture is and what the preferred culture looks like. Only then can you make the real and sustainable changes.

The GSI, Group Styles Inventory, is a great team building and feedback tool. If you are looking for something a little different that brings light onto why your team may not be performing at their optimum, the GSI is a non-confronting, clear and valid tool to use. We recommend this tool for front line workers to senior managers in an organisation. Once the team completes the GSI in a fun simulation activity, the debrief session is what makes this activity priceless. The team not only gets to experience themselves in “real-time” creative problem solving mode, they discover why they get the results they get and what it takes to become more high performing and effective. No one is singled out and the whole team is responsible for the results.

Life Styles Inventory (LSI)

Often used in conjunction with the OCI, the LSI provides management with a detailed analysis of management styles on an individual level. Recommendations arising from this process can produce powerful change that cascades down through all staffing levels, leading to profound and lasting change.

The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) identifies the underlying thoughts and motivations that guide an individual’s behaviour. Often referred to as personal styles, management styles and leadership styles, these represent the essence of an individual’s effectiveness.

The quality of an individual’s thinking and behaviour contributes greatly to that person’s work performance. Fortunately, your people have the power to change ineffective thinking and behaviour – the kind that can paralyse an individual’s effectiveness. But first they need to know if what they’re doing now is supporting or detracting from quality performance.

The Life Styles Inventory (LSI) is based around the Human Synergistics Circumplex, describing constructive, passive/defensive and aggressive/defensive behaviours. In the LSI, the feedback is normed against how 9,000 individuals have described themselves (LSI 1) and how 5,000 individuals have been described by 25,000 others (LSI 2).

The LSI provides for self-description (LSI 1) and feedback from others (LSI 2). Participants receive inventories, profile supplements, self-development guides and comprehensive resources are available for consultants and trainers through our accreditation process.

Administration of inventories can be achieved through either scannable paper questionnaires or internet-based questionnaires.

Organisational Culture Inventory (OCI)

The OCI is creating a revolution in business, providing organisations with an accurate picture of their existing ‘culture’ and a comparative ‘preferred culture’. Essentially this gives management a snapshot of ‘where we are’ and ‘where we want to be’. Together we then develop a step-by-step process to bring your organisation closer to your preferred state.

The OCI provides a profile of an organisation’s operating culture in terms of the behaviours that members believe are required to “fit in and meet expectations” within their organisation. It measures “how things are done around here”.

Using the Human Synergistics Circumplex, the OCI measures behavioural norms and expectations, be they constructive, passive/defensive or aggressive/defensive.

The Organisational Culture Inventory (OCI) is the most widely used and thoroughly researched tool for measuring organisational culture in the world. 20 years of research into organisational culture, its causes and its outcomes allows us to clearly identify current culture, outcomes at the individual, group and organisational levels and the specific levers for change that must be addressed to change culture.

Group Styles Inventory (GSI)

The (GSI) is a team based diagnostic measure, assessing the behaviours observed, by team members, during a team decision-making session. Each team member completes the inventory and the combined responses represent a clear profile of the behaviours used by the team in its efforts to achieve quality decisions with high acceptance.

The GSI measures the constructive and defensive elements of group processes with the 12 styles used in the Human Synergistics circumplex. Certain group styles are productive and lead to high quality decisions to which members are highly committed. Other group styles are counterproductive and lead to solutions of marginal or poor quality and limited group acceptance.

By using the circumplex, the GSI provides a common language linking individual, group and organisational development efforts. Used in conjunction with a group problem-solving simulation, the GSI provides significant practical insight to group functioning, allowing the group to focus its efforts precisely on where improvement is needed.

The Group Styles Inventory (GSI) is a team based diagnostic measure, assessing the behaviours observed, by team members, during a team decision-making session.

The GSI measures the constructive and defensive elements of group processes with the 12 styles used in the Human Synergistics circumplex.

Certain group styles are productive and lead to high quality decisions to which members are highly committed. Other group styles are counterproductive and lead to solutions of marginal or poor quality and limited group acceptance.

By using the circumplex, the GSI provides a common language linking individual, group and organisational development efforts.

Used in conjunction with a group problem-solving simulation, the GSI provides significant practical insight to group functioning, allowing the group to focus its efforts precisely on where improvement is needed

Each team member completes the inventory and the combined responses represent a clear profile of the behaviours used by the team in its efforts to achieve quality decisions with high acceptance.

If you have questions about our LSI, OCI or GSI workshops or programs please phone us directly 0425 795 938 Jan and 0424 298 438 Michelle or email us with your details.