In this episode, I explore five key indicators that suggest your team may benefit from an MBTI (Myers-Briggs Type Indicator) workshop.
Our specialty is creating high performing teams for business workplaces. Using in-house and proprietary diagnostic tools we home in on the issues that will give your team the biggest impact and facilitate programs guaranteed to deliver the desired results. Whether it’s workplace communication, leadership, accountability, strategic direction or culture, we’ll put your team on the path to high performance.
Staff training and development represents a big investment in both time and money for any business. Our bespoke training programs cut to the chase and ensure that your staff and leadership teams are back at the coal face with minimal down time but with maximal learning. Plus, our programs are backed with resources to integrate and action the material covered.
Our approach to Leadership and Management Coaching is simple – once you have gained insight into how you and those around you operate, you can then move into acceptance, change and transformation. Coaching at the executive level leads to performance improvements throughout the business and directly impacts the bottom line.
Leadership Tools and Resources
We're constantly adding to our suite of free and paid tools and resources designed to create a culture of Deep Leadership™ in your organisation...

Laurel Terkelsen -Jan & Michelle's Mum
"I don't know what they do but I hear they are very good at it."
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Join me as I explore actionable tips backed by research to help you simplify your tasks and lead more effectively.

In this epsiode, we explore the incredible benefits of having a strong support network and introduce our exciting new initiative: Leadership for Life.

I’ve put together a short wrap-up video of 2024 where you can learn valuable insights about self-leadership and personal growth to help you end the year on a high note…
Is Your Business Team A High Performing Team?
Use our High-Performing Team Indicator Tool to find out...

Listen in to The People Leaders Podcast